Boca do Lobo's Metamorphosis Family - Pieces of Comtemporary Furniture


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Boca do Lobo’s Metamorphosis Family – Pieces of Contemporary Furniture


If you already know Boca do Lobo’s work, then you know what to expect. They truly are masters in creating pieces of contemporary furniture and one of the best examples of their wonderful work is their new collection, the Metamorphosis Family.

Boca do Lobo's Metamorphosis Family - Pieces of Contemporary Furniture

This is a wonderful collection and here are some pieces that can highlight any division of your house. One of those examples is the amazing Diamond Metamorphosis Sideboard. This is an even more upscale version of the already famous Diamond Sideboard, that in this particular case underwent a process of Metamorphosis to entered a new aesthetic realm. This sideboard has several prime details of quality, like the inclusion of jewelry insects that emphasize the evolutionary process

Boca do Lobo's Metamorphosis Family - Pieces of Contemporary Furniture

The insect team it’s present throughout the collection, including in another iconic piece of the Metamorphosis Family, the Concave Metamorphosis Mirror. This unique piece portrays a territorial dispute, where chaos is indulged and spread across simplicity represented by the clean slate upon which it takes place.

Boca do Lobo's Metamorphosis Family - Pieces of Contemporary Furniture

Within the mirror category, it’s also relevant to present the opulent Convex Metamorphosis Mirror, a large concave brass piece that challenges the standards of beauty and that is regarded by many as an exceptional piece of luxury furniture.

Boca do Lobo's Metamorphosis Family - Pieces of Contemporary Furniture

Also following the Insect and Metamorphosis Theme we have the Metamorphosis Side Table and Metamorphosis CenterTable. They are composed of two fragments finished in mirror and noble marble and beautified by the presence of golden creatures (insects) that are prepared for their ultimate metamorphosis. You haven’t seen anything quite like this pieces.

Boca do Lobo's Metamorphosis Family - Pieces of Contemporary Furniture

There’s also nothing like the Metamorphosis Dining Table. This large and powerful dining table has come to symbolize the evolutionary history of life, representing the last stage of the cycle through the usage of sculpted fossils on display at the top of the table.

Boca do Lobo's Metamorphosis Family - Pieces of Contemporary Furniture

Last but not least, the final member of this pristine family is the Metamorphosis Wall Lamp. A piece that experiences new unexpected design techniques and noble finishes through a meticulous artistic process.


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